The H.E.A.L.T.H. Lab currently has multiple research projects running:
Examining experiences of individuals in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, their use of social media, and information provided by governmental agencies.
Investigating the effectiveness of a MHealth lifestyle intervention for women who report binge eating.
Exploring pediatrician's knowledge, attitudes, and implementation of best care practices for transgender and gender diverse youth.
Investigating experiences of poverty-related stigma within the context of food insecurity.
Examining social responses to mass violent events. Factors associated with well-being and health.

The H.E.A.L.T.H. Lab has been involved with the following projects:
Randomized-Controlled Trial for a culturally-adapted guided self-help intervention for Latinas with overeating, obesity and related problems for ethnic minority community members.
Examining the contribution of cyber aggression experiences to adolescents and emerging adults' well-being.
Investigated cultural relevancy of a lifestyle intervention for Latinas.
Investigated cultural relevancy of a CBT-based guided self-help program for African American Women.
Binge eating in pregnant and postpartum women.
Disordered eating in Men.
Binge eating in individuals with Diabetes.